Past Talks

11/9 Pillars of White Light Transmission

11/9 Pillars of White Light Transmission

Catch up on past Inspirations PLG talks.. This collaboration with Renee Johnson and Sally Sherin will bring in light codes, structures and geometries for everyone who participates, rippling these out into the human collective, and to be received by our beautiful planet Earth. Practically, the session will be a mix of channelled information and quantum…

Spiritual Teaching and Angelic Intuition with Amanda Ellis

Spiritual Teaching and Angelic Intuition with Amanda Ellis

Catch up on past Inspirations PLG talks.. This special interview is hosted by Inspirations Positive Living and Jackie White will be putting some of your questions to Amanda and we will have a rolling conversation which will encompass guidance, support, insight and healing for our times – also pulling some Metatron cards for the day…

Light Language, Astrology and Numerology with Walter William Boyd

Light Language, Astrology and Numerology with Walter William Boyd

Catch up on past Inspirations PLG talks.. The individual and their journey to realign with personal truth. Reclaiming personal power and taking responsibility is a necessary step in any healing process. Identify and re-frame your blocks and limitations,Release any limiting perceptions of self,Recognise your gifts,Connect with the NOW and flow with your Life purpose,To live…

Connecting to your Angels with Andrew Bray

Connecting to your Angels with Andrew Bray

Catch up on past Inspirations PLG talks.. In the Connecting to your Angels workshop, participants will have the opportunity to enter into sacred space and experience the powerful loving energy of Angels. Andrew will lead several separate meditations inviting Angels to connect “just as close or closer than they ever have”. The first meditation will…