Past Talks with Sacred Souls
In the beginning there was the word, and the word was… Darren Deojee
A conversation with Darren Deojee, 1000’s over millennia have searched for the Lost Word. Darren explains this beautifully, in how he believes he knows the word and his reasons for it. This is not religious, it references words that have such meaning for us all in some way. How our language is a distraction, how…
Boundaries, Darren Deojee, and Self Love with Jackie White
Uplifting FridayExplaining about my Jackie Boundaries. The synchronistic conversation with Tim Whild about Boundaries, and now we are doing an evening together on Sunday March 2nd 2025 for Conscious Cafe, about Boundaries. Wonderful he said he would join me.Also an evening about the 5th Dimension and what that means for you. Dee Taylor Mason will…
Alicia Hussey speaking with Jackie White
How Alicia woke up to her higher self 7 years ago, what that was like for her and how she helps others now.
Bill Tucker How Relationships Effect Our Health
Our perception, taking things personally expectation, judgement, acceptance. Jaundice in a baby can come from anger. Very rarely would you have jaundice in a home birth baby. What conflict causes our perception. How safe we feel as children, to realise the symptoms to downgrade to understand the feelings. When you’re having no control, your parents’…
Emmaray Kumara – The Nature Whisperer
A really enjoyable talk with Emmaray Kumara, introduced by Ray Savage, Emmaray talks to Jackie White about her existence on Planet Earth, coming into a body 20 years ago as a walk-in and an explanation of that and then a beautiful conversation that followed.The final part of our talk, Emmaray shares something absolutely profound for…
Heart Based Mission Limitless with Ben Palmer
THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO IN THIS NOW MOMENT IS LOVE YOURSELF. That’s it, Love yourself in this now moment. No one is coming to save us, we are our saviour. To do that we have to go against everything we have ever been programmed to believe, EVERYTHING, and start LOVING & APPRECIATING…
Lynne Franks talks with Jackie White
Lynne came to prominence as the iconic Founder of Lynne Franks PR. She helped position the UK in the 80s as a global leader in fashion, initiating London Fashion Week and the British Fashion Awards., while launching many social and environmental impact initiatives For over 30 years since she sold the business, however, she has…
Darren Deojee – The Masonic Symbol is Perhaps the most Significant on the Planet
Darren, it a very wonderful way, explains what he means that The Masonic Symbol is Perhaps the most Significant on the Planet. Things we would perhaps never even consider, shapes and symbols … other meanings that we not consciously think of. Just love listening to him, I asked at the end ‘What is it like…
Ben Palmer Mission Limitless. Dropping Old Programmes and Remembering we are Love
A talk reminding us we are love, we come from love, be love in action, shine love. It’s good to be reminded all the time, be in the present moment and the present moment is Love.
Word Magic
What do we actually mean by spelling? With Darren Deojee – words as spells (compliments and curses – what happens in the body? What is a magical effect ? When someone says something to you once, to hurt you once, but you repeat and internalise and live out the ‘spell’ as if it were true…
Thoughts about Max Igan’s latest video
Jackie is speaking about a video she has seen of Max Igan addressing a group about the last 5 years and more. Vet quote to remove plaque from her dog’s teeth. How we speak to ourselves about ourselves. Ben Palmer talking with Jackie live to ‘Inspirations PLG’ Facebook page 7pm BST 15/7/24 We are Limitless,…
My Love of Ho’oponopono
Jackie talks about the benefits of Ho’oponopono.