Spiritual Teaching and Angelic Intuition with Amanda Ellis

Catch up on past Inspirations PLG talks..

This special interview is hosted by Inspirations Positive Living and Jackie White will be putting some of your questions to Amanda and we will have a rolling conversation which will encompass guidance, support, insight and healing for our times – also pulling some Metatron cards for the day and taking a look at the current energy.

Using as a backdrop Amanda’s wide interest and areas of expertise including her work with Archangel Metatron, and the Angelic and Celestial Realms, we will also discuss the bridge back to our own higher selves and how important that is right now.


  1. Absolutely fascinating!! Amanda, when you were talking about your hearing and describing how it is with voices from spirit, the thought occurred to me that in our dreams we use all our ‘senses’ without the physical. We do this in deep work too.

    Also I heard the sound that went on around 2013? Everyone was saying at the time it was Earth – I heard that so very clearly and it did seem that it was from somewhere else. I just loved this whole chat. Much Love to you both 💞 ✨🌎✌️🙏

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