Inspirations Positive Living Group
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What’s On
Jackie White – Soul Expansionist

Every week, and sometimes more than once a week, I have had the privilege and pleasure of being able to speak with some of the most amazing and gifted people on our planet Earth.
These people take the time to impart their knowledge in discussion with me on such a range of topics, covering things such as health, finance, spirit channelling, and much more. All this to help us to see that there is more to this world than we might realise, for us to learn to see more points of view, and to ultimately live more positively together.
Over the last 10 years I have run the ‘Inspirations Positive Living Group’, with guests in person, and online. I can never take for granted the amazing platform that I have been charged to oversee, and the ever-increasing audience who follow me, in the UK and Internationally, on social media. My role is a complete blessing to me and over this time I, my guests and viewers have grown in knowledge and positivity – it is with this in mind that I do believe I can call myself a Soul Expansionist.
Together we are here, at this monumental time in our evolution to help one another. I had no idea that at the cosmic moment of December 21st, 2012, this was to be the first day of our 20-year Ascension Journey – but even I knew it was big; energetically big.
The recent events and changes we have lived through from March 2020 have tested us all in many ways, but we still hold our course on the positive timeline for a world filled with love, hope and joy.
The tabs on my website now more fully encompass my role, as its grown, from the ‘Positive Living Group, to include ‘The Conscious Café’, and the marvellous ‘Events with Sacred Souls’ plus a whole library of my past talks that you can watch under the title of ‘Past Events’.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, I really do appreciate your support, and I so look forward to Expanding our Souls further, together, over the next ten years to the Golden Era of 2032 and beyond.
So, let’s go and enjoy the ride…
Past Talks
In the beginning there was the word, and the word was… Darren Deojee
Boundaries, Darren Deojee, and Self Love with Jackie White
Alicia Hussey speaking with Jackie White

Judy Piatkus is our founder and leads the organisation today. Judy, our group leaders and a wide group of conscious individuals who are experts in their own fields, work together to shape and grow Conscious Cafe.
It is now a global organisation with a network of established local groups and new ones opening throughout the year, across the world. Our events enable attendees to experience conscious connections with new people, make friends and grow in knowledge and understanding.
ConsciousCafe Values
Conscious – deeply aware of self and others
Compassionate – warm, caring, welcoming and friendly
Accepting – everyone is equal and valued. Non-judgmental approach
Committed – engaged, organised and in service to the group
Open – open to new ideas and willing to share
Open your mind, listen, share, explore and grow at our ConsciousCafe events. Deepen your connection to yourself and others; unlimited possibilities await as we introduce you to experienced and knowledgeable teachers and insightful leaders.
Explore our upcoming events or take a look at our past events to get a flavour of what has been.
Changing global consciousness one conversation at a time.