Sharon King – How does our Birth Experiences affect our lives today?

How does our in Utero and Birth Experiences affect our lives today?

Sharon King, Author of Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life International trainer and creator of the Heal Your Birth techniques (formally known as Matrix Birth Reimprinting technique) will be discussing the science behind how our experiences of being in utero and birth affects our lives and how you can heal from these experiences.

We will be exploring:

  • How babies learn in the womb and at birth
  • The importance of a natural birth experience
  • How to achieve a natural birth
  • How our in-utero and birth traumas go on to affect us as a baby, a child and into adulthood
  • The importance of birth and the bonding process for healthier future generations
  • How our birthing practices have been taken over by big Pharma
  • The future of fertility, pregnancy and birth in this uncertain times of change

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