Alexander Quinn – Akash, Eclipse season and changes in 2022

This year we will find changes to our relationships. Past lives will visit our dreamtime, we will access a new energy and clearing of old energies. You will have more understanding of your greatness and of just how wonderful you are you will start to believe it if you don’t already.

Big emotional sways, bigger highs, bigger lows and emotional recalibration of who you are and learning about the new you/us.

Need of more alone time, finding peace. Letting go of all thoughts of fear and survival and embracing far more thoughts of Love. Understanding what it means that every answer is within us. Checking out of the matrix because we are sovereign.

More food allergies coming to the surface new upgrades, crystalline upgrades for our more crystalline bodies. A need for a higher octane fuel, listening to your body for what it really needs.

We will need more sleep, more rest, we’re changing from the inside out we’re clearing our shadows, we are remembering our dreams when we wake in the night we can thank our team knowing they are around us they’ve helped us clear something from our shadow.

Family and connections will be a new culture next year. We gain a new spiritual mastery, fear and anxiety will no longer be created we will be stepping into our own mastery.

One Comment

  1. So uplifting. I am 90 and live in the hope to be alive still on this beautiful planet when all becomes a joyful time to live Bless you and thank you for your strengh.

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