
Dominic Beeton – How to heal serious illness the natural way

Dominic Beeton – How to heal serious illness the natural way

Dominic will explore the new exciting research from top researchers in America which demonstrates a radical new approach to healing serious illness. Dominic will outline the research from Dr Kelly Turner in her book “Radical Remission” and Dr Jeffery Rediger’s book, “Cured” to give patients and their relatives powerful new healing strategies based on hard scientific evidence to augment the existing healing modalities. There will be a guided meditation to bring some of these new healing modalities into practice and some live music and chanting to conclude the session.

Channelling, Soul Stories and the Halls of Amenti with Gemma Jones

Channelling, Soul Stories and the Halls of Amenti with Gemma Jones

Gemma will be giving us her experience and wisdom on how channeling is a key we all hold within us that allows us to open up to communication with our soul & higher self, archangels, ascended masters and other luminous beings. Soul stories are one of the “product’s” of Gemma’s channelling abilities and have given…

Diana Cooper – Steps to the Golden Future and how Unicorns can help us achieve it

Diana Cooper – Steps to the Golden Future and how Unicorns can help us achieve it

Steps to the Golden Future and how Unicorns can help us achieve it. We are moving rapidly towards the new Golden Age in 2032. How do we ascend from the old paradigm into a glorious new way of life? What will replace the old economic systems, supermarkets, hospitals, schools and governments? What spiritual and psychic…

Sharon King – How does our Birth Experiences affect our lives today?

Sharon King – How does our Birth Experiences affect our lives today?

How does our in Utero and Birth Experiences affect our lives today? Sharon King, Author of Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life International trainer and creator of the Heal Your Birth techniques (formally known as Matrix Birth Reimprinting technique) will be discussing the science behind how our experiences of being in utero and birth affects…