Past Talks with Sacred Souls
Sacha Stone Talks with Jackie White
Sacha gives his thoughts on where we are in waking up to the corrupt governments and how we have to get out of the matrix.
Moira Bush 11 Pearls of Wisdom
Moira Bush Colour therapist, author and entrepenure. Her latest book 11 Pearls of Wisdom is a not for profit book that she is asking once you buy it, have read it can you leave it in a waiting room to pass on the wisdom. Act of kindness. After writing and publishing a book and creating…
Mark Atwood speaking with Jackie White
Mark Atwood , entrepreneur, poet, author, and truth seeker.Jimmy Savile, the Beatles, Peter, Sutcliffe, Uri Geller, Frank, Bruno, Mike Read.The link with all of them paedophilia.Why are Truthers turning on Truthers? Mark speaks about his book and the poem in it that relates to this.Trump was in Ireland recently and Marc met him.Dinar, dong and…
Grief – A Spiritual Perspective. A conversation about grief with Gemma Jones and Jackie White
Death comes physically to us all, yet our soul lives on. When we walk a spiritual path and the loss of a loved one happens, we are opened to the unique journey that grief holds for us. The spiritual journey opens us to deeper and higher awareness, we can observe all situations from a neutral…
Jacqui McGinn talks with Jackie White
The word “narcissist” gets used a lot but what does it actually mean? Those who’ve been in narcissistic relationships know deep in their soul how damaging it is and how hard it is untangle yourself from one. In this talk and discussion, Jacqui will explain a framework that offers a pathway to reclaiming your power…
Barbara Berger talks with Jackie White
Barbara Berger, author of many books very much about the power of the mind and consciousness. Barbara shares some of her life story, traumas and breakthroughs.How she helps so many people now and has spoken all over the world. Free downloads and worksheets available at Barbara’s website
Illia Heart talks with Jackie White
Illia Heart is a pioneer in the field of wholistic health and consciousness. She has authored two books to date, Wholistic Health Made Easy and The Body Electronics Experience. Illia’s education has been 4 fold.
Medyhne Lebachen talking with Jackie White
Arise humanity. Musician, author, artist, truth seeker. Medyhne Lebachen talking with Jackie White We talk about the moon, is it real? A whole conversation about the moon, being a control, mechanism for nefarious purposes. It was placed there as part of our learning experience, we needed it to help us look at our shadow self….
What is your Psychic Super Power? With Walter Boyd
For our Conscious Cafe gathering this month we have a very good friend Walter W. Boyd with us: Everything physical has an energetic component and just as we are born with our physical senses, so too are we endowed with spiritual and energetically sensitive senses. In each of us, just as one physical sense will…
Loulou James speaking with Jackie White
Your Symptoms Are The KEY To Your Holistic HealthIn this presentation, Loulou James explains how symptoms of all descriptions are ALWAYS messengers sign-posting us to health in body, mind and spirit.The more we understand this, she says, the better we can approach our aches and pains with a mindset that is free of fear and…
10 Year Anniversary of Inspirations Positive Living Group
Jackie White talking about the various Inspirations events have done over the years. She also reads a story All Good Things from Chicken Soup for the Soul by Helen P Mrosla.
Sacha Stone speaking with Jackie White
Sacha is working closely with a company that by the end of April will be able to provide a solution/remedy for any one affected adversely by any pharmaceutical intervention people were coerced or manipulated in to taking. We will speak again when it is available and find out more. The emergency phone alert supposed to…