Ho’oponopono with Jackie White
The Ancient Hawaiian Healing Technique of Ho’oponopono
We mostly live remembering yesterday, believing if it has happened before it will happen again…!
Everything we Say, Do, Believe, Think, Act…
Is all from past memories.
Understanding Ho’oponopono is the delete button we can use bringing us to Zero, clearing us of old data, old memories, old tapes replaying.
It helps us live from Inspiration rather than the 1000’s of thoughts we think daily where probably over 90% are the same thoughts
as the day before…!
Jackie loves this wonderful technique that is so simple, the story of Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len is so inspiring brought to our awareness by Dr Joe Vitale.
Join Jackie for this talk to learn how it can help you in every situation of life that you find yourself in and how it has now helped millions world wide.
Jackie I came across you because I have been following Franco DeNicola for some time now and I saw the interview you had with him and then starting watching your interviews as I felt you were a really lovely and authentic human being!
I have just watched the Ho’oponopono video and feel drawn to find out more so that I can use this technique myself. Can you tell me where I can get some teaching on this please.
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do Jackie.
Best wishes
Frances Doyle
P.S. I live on the Isle of Wight so I’m not far from you In Southampton!
Dear Frances, thank you for this lovely to hear from you and so close.
I was in Swanage for a few days so apologies for the late reply!
I’m very happy talk to you about Ho’oponopono my e-mail is jackie@jackie-white.co.uk
and we can arrange to have a chat together.
Thank you, love from Jackie xx
Hi Jakie, Today I came across your video with marvelous kratz. Found so nice. I have been following hooponopono since about 3 years and find it mire and more interesting and so true to myself. iam a seeker and had been doing so many things on my Spiritual way down. I live in Germany and I would love to come in contact with you.
Thank you 🙂