Ascension Talks with Kimberly Palm
Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Adviser & Author
for Seekers of the truth on their journey
Kimberly talks about the Ascension, what it means.
Where our Soul comes from.
Jesus real name Yeshua and why.
Word magic.
Sound of Freedom film.
Non player characters.
Positive ET’s and much more.
Kimberley is a wealth of knowledge we covered a lot of ground in this conversation.
Thank you so much for all the interviews you do x and although I’ve done Joe Vitale course on Ho’oponono I’m hoping to book yours too.
Is it possible that I could start a PLG in my area Broadstairs Kent as I have many interested friends. At the moment I am a Reiki Master and Cannabis Practitioner and obviously with times as they are I really need to build up my community to help and assist others on this path x
Sending so much love ❤️ I completely resonate with you I adore you always xxx
Hello Helen,
Wonderful you want to start a PLG yes, we can have a zoon chat about it and include Jaquie Cameron who is also thinking of starting one,
my email is where we can sort a zoom meeting Helen,
Thank you,
Love from Jackie xx
Jackie x came back to this chat x and saw your reply x am I too late..? Love Helen aka Daisy x