11:11 Pillars of Light
Sally Sherin and Renee Johnson are delighted to be invited by Jackie to take part in another gathering for the Light. It’s clear that this is a further opportunity to work with the majestic and beautiful pillars of light!
Following our 11.9 event when we quantum journeyed to the site of the Twin Towers to instal a new and vibrant energetic structure in that space, further insights have revealed our next chapter.
The 11.11 is traditionally the day when the world remembers war: as light workers our remit is to ensure that this energy is funnelled positively into the creation of a new Earth reality where Unity Consciousness and harmony is the order of the day.
Lightworkers around the globe have identified with the numbers 11.11 as a wake-up signal for over a decade. This 11.11 of 2020 may prove to be an awakening on the grandest scale we can possibly imagine!
Join us in service to the Grand Awakening as we gather in Light Circle once again. Light transmissions, quantum journeying, sacred ‘gifts’ and celebration in remembrance of who you truly are.
Sally Sherin Phillips
Sally Sherin Phillips is a healing facilitator and multidimensional explorer, specialising in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), Dolores Cannon’s method of past life regression and reconnection with the whole self.
Sally has been gathering light-seekers together in the Southampton area for over ten years, exploring what it’s possible to co-create when we come together with a group intention.
She combines quantum journeying with vibrational light healing to take the physical body into a deeply relaxed state, where the human self dissolves and merges with the multidimensional self, ultimately accessing the field of Oneness or Source. In this space-time we retrieve knowledge and remember our collective and individual purpose.
Sally is available for individual QHHT sessions in Southampton, and holds a weekly free distance healing group transmission to assist individual and planetary ascension.
Renee Johnson
Renee Johnson is an Ascension Guide, high frequency lightworker, Akashic Reader, Quantum Healing Practitioner.
In one of her previous lifetime’s she worked in Atlantis as a high priestess taking care of the crystals, temples and communities.
Renee used telepathic gifts to tune into gather information with regards to energy and guidance for the community, channelling high frequency energies to keep the energy stabilized and protected.
These beautiful, gentle but powerful gifts have now returned to Renee and she is using them in this lifetime to be a guide for the ascension of planet earth and humanity.
Renee awakened back in 2011 after leaving an abusive relationship, she had something called ‘broken heart syndrome’, this created a very rapid heart beat and an extreme case of opening the heart chakra very quickly and to an expansive level. She had a near death experience and this was when her ‘real’ soul ‘walked in’ ready to carry out the work she is presently doing.
Renee has been healing and guiding souls planet wide for 7 years and offers a range of different healing modalities and channelled ascension guidance.